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(480) 541-6401


(480) 541-6401

Kyrene's Alternative to Suspension Program (KASP)

Providing opportunities for academic and social progress

The Kyrene Alternative to Suspension Program provides a safe and nurturing environment with opportunities for Kyrene students to learn skills and strategies to be successful in school and beyond. We accommodate the unique educational social and emotional needs of individual students with character education, student centered learning, intervention and counseling.

Our staff works collaboratively with schools, family, and community to provide continued support for our Kyrene students.

In addition to KASP, Kyrene also provides a Long Term Alternative to Suspension Program (LTAP).

Kyrene Alternative to Suspension Program

The Kyrene Alternative to Suspension Program (KASP) was established to support  Kyrene students who otherwise would receive and Off-Campus Suspension for a behavioral incident. While the program primarily serves middle school students,  fourth and fifth grade students have been recommended to the program on a case by case basis. With the recommendation of the school administrator, parents may choose to have their child participate in the 15-day Program in lieu of the Off-Campus Suspension.

KASP can also be recommended by a school administrator as an intervention to assist and support a student when other school interventions for grades and/or behavior have not been successful.

While in KASP, students are recorded as being present in school and they are given the opportunity to complete assignments and receive credit for their completed work. 

Goals for KASP:

  • To continue students' opportunities towards academic progress.
  • To assist students in regaining the capacity to benefit academically from classroom instruction.
  • To assist students in gaining new skills and strategies to make positive and successful behavioral choices.
  • To provide an environment where a consequence can be completed without having to leave an academic environment

Kyrene Long Term Alternative to Suspension Program

LTAP provides structured academic support to students who have been suspended off campus for a period of over 10 days. To be placed in the program a student must be recommended by the home school Administrator and the KASP/LTAP Coordinator/Counselor must agree that there is capacity in the program to have the student attend.  The parent must also agree to accept the program in lieu of the long term off campus suspension.

If accepted into the program, the LTAP teachers customize the program based on the student's academic needs and the program capacity. Students attend the program 5 days per week. While in the LTAP Program students receive direct instruction from the LTAP teachers in the core academic content areas and also receive counseling support. If the student is assigned to the program for a grading period, then grades are issued by the LTAP teachers.

Upon successful completion of the LTAP Program, the student is then transferred into the 15-day KASP Program where the student will receive Character Education instruction in addition to continued academic instruction and counseling support. 

After successful completion of the LTAP and KASP programs, a Re-Entry Conference is held with the student, parent, KASP/LTAP staff, and home school staff.  At the Conference a decision is made regarding the student’s return to the home school.  Any additional support that is needed will be discussed in order to ensure the student’s successful return to a school program.

What You Can Expect From KASP

Students are assigned to the KASP program for 15 days in lieu of off-campus suspension. Students who have exhibited repetitive behavioral, attendance and/or academic issues may also be assigned to KASP. Any absence will not count towards the fulfillment of the 15 days.

  • Students will be instructed in the core academic areas of Mathematics, Reading, and Language Arts using the adopted Kyrene School District Curriculum. KASP teachers remain in contact with the students' home school teachers to ensure that the students complete required assignments and receive credit for completed work.
  • Students may be excused from some of the assignments at the home school while attending KASP.
  • Students are assessed and instructed in Character Education, including positive leadership skills, positive peer and group interactions, decision-making skills, and other individual behavior goals.
  • Students and parents meet with the KASP Counselor at a Placement Conference Meeting. The counselor assesses student needs and discusses a plan of support for the student while in the program.
  • Students receive a monitoring sheet that rates academic and behavioral progress and is sent home daily to ensure regular communication between the KASP staff and parents.
  • Students successfully completing the 15-day program will then participate in a Re-Entry Conference at their home school. The parent, student, KASP staff, as well as an administrator and teacher from the home school are present at the meeting. At this conference the student presents his or her academic and behavioral successes in KASP and discusses their goals for future success. The KASP staff summarize the student's successes and provide completed assignments to the home school teachers. Recommendations for any needed further support are discussed at this meeting.
  • Student progress continues to be supported by KASP staff through follow up visits with each student as long as the student is in the Kyrene School District.

Expectations of Students and Parents

What we expect from Students and Parents:

  • A placement conference will be held at the KASP site as soon as possible prior to the student attending. A parent or guardian will need to attend the conference as well as the student.
  • Students must successfully complete 15 days in the KASP program prior to re-entering their home school.
  • Students  follow all of the School District Guidelines and Behavior Expectations as outlined in the Student Handbook.
  • Students must follow the District dress code guidelines.  
  • Students may not bring any materials to the program including backpacks, purses, electronic devices, caps etc.
  • Students are expected to follow all school and classroom rules and expectations. Students will be expected to show effort by being engaged, completing work, and participating positively in all activities while in KASP.
  • Students may not be on their home school campus or on any other Kyrene school campus, or at school bus stops (other than designated KASP bus stops) while in KASP. Students may not participate in any extracurricular activities at their home school while in KASP.
  • Students are able to access their school lunch accounts while in KASP.  Students may bring their lunch or may  purchase a lunch from the Pueblo cafeteria. Breakfast items are also available for the students to purchase while in KASP.

Location and Times for KASP/LTAP

Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Fri: 8:45 a.m.- 2 p.m. 
Wed: 8:45 a.m.-12:30 p.m. 

Centennial Middle School
13808 S 36th St.
Phoenix, AZ 85044
(480) 541-6800

Transportation can be made available within the Kyrene boundary but can take from 1-2 days to arrange.


Dr. Kyle RossAdministrator
480-541-7050 |